Poems By Gauransh Tiwari

Poems By Gauransh Tiwari

Poems on The Moon,Teachers,Books,Brother By Gauransh Tiwari.

Poem on The Moon

Poem on The Moon by Gauransh Tiwari

The moon has light,

which is very bright .

and full moon is very luminous,

looks more gleaming than other night.


When we go outside in sun,

it reflects a lot like a hot cup of tea.

but when we go at night,

it is so attractive and soothing to see.


It is humble and very gentle ,

as it gives the sky to stars.

it doesn’t notice their brightness ,

but only notices what they are.


It lives in royal manner ,

as it was born a queen .

but it notices all stars as equal ,

either they are full or lean .


They all are very strong,

as they are unite.

their light fall on everything ,

like they are wishing us- ‘Good Night’.

Gauransh Tiwari

U većini slučajeva žene su privukle mekše karakteristike lica, koje su izrazile toplinu, pouzdanost, empatiju, dok je glavna stranica muškaraca stereotipno kao muškarca, dominaciju i konkurentnost, naprotiv, odbijena. Međutim, postojala je iznimci od pravila: muška linija neovisnosti i sigurnosti ocijenjena je više od ženske točke poniznosti.


Poem on Teachers

Poem on Teachers by Gauransh Tiwari

Teachers are treasure of knowledge,

And angels sent by god.

They make us study,

And they are odd.


They impart us knowledge,

Showed us our wings.

They want us to be genius,

And knowledge’s king.


They are unique,

And are our friends kinds.

They have a big heart,

To shape little minds.


Thanks to the beautiful souls,

For believing us whole.

We surely rise and shine,

With your efforts fine.

                                                      -Gauransh Tiwari


Poem on Books

Poem by Gauransh Tiwari on books

Some believe in god,

Some believe in friends.

And some in books,

As books are our true friends.


Books give a s knowledge,

And we should acknowledge.

It gives us courage,

And also gives God’s message.


We can’t measure knowledge,

Can’t find its percentage.

Its Elysian and infinite,

To teach us to rise like a kite.


Nature is a book for all ages,

books are not only mass of pages.

We will get knowledge from books,

to dazzle in all life stages.

                                                     –Gauransh Tiwari

Poem on Brother

Poem by Gauransh on Brother in English

Brother is our friend,

He is our bro.

And we always want,

That he would grow.


Brother is very crazy,

And sometimes gets slow.

The God gives us a way,

which to him we have to show.


He is very sweet,

He is very cute.

Everybody knows,

He is never mute.


I love my bothers a lot,

In my heart for him we have a knot.

                                                                            –Gauransh Tiwari

I hope you like my  poems on- The Moon,teachers,books,brothers.I express my heartfelt gratitude and say Thank You https://www.myelysianworld.com

One thought on “Poems By Gauransh Tiwari

  • September 6, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Very good Gauransh.. Keep it dear.. Ur poem MOON is superb.. I’m proud of u..


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